Title Location Date
Report from CHINARE 2018 cruise Chukchi Sea 30.08.2018
Meeting with Danish Mapping Authority Copenhagen 30.08.2018
NABOS cruise 2018 Eurasian part of the Arctic Ocean 09.08.2018
Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers from Polarstern Northeast Greenland and Fram Strait 05.08.2018
Icebreaker Oden cruise: Arctic Ocean 2018 (AO2018) Central Arctic Ocean, drifting ice camp 01.08.2018
KV Svalbard cruise north of Svalbard Fram Strait - North of Svalbard 30.07.2018
Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers by UiB GEO in the Fram Strait Fram Strait 30.07.2018
Seismometers in Longyearbyen - community-based observing Longyearbyen 26.07.2018
MarinBasis: Research cruise to East Greeland with Lauge Koch Young Sound, East Greenland 25.07.2018
Airborne measurements of methane fluxes in northern Alaska and Canada Alaska North Slope and Mackenzie Delta 15.07.2018
UAK meeting: Partnership for Research and Education Calgary 10.07.2018
High-resolution soil temperature sensing system in Alaska Several sites in northern Alaska, including Utqiaġvik, Atqasuk, and Ivotuk. 20.06.2018
Meeting at Norwegian Environment Agency Oslo 13.03.2018
CODATA 2017: Global Challenges and Data-Driven Science St.Petersburg, Russia 08.10.2017
RDA Tenth Plenary Meeting, 19-21 Sep 2017 Montréal Canada 19.09.2017
CANAPE Recovery Cruise in Beaufort sea Beaufort Sea 19.09.2017
Beaufort Sea Exploration Project cruise 06 Sepember - 02 October 2017 Canadian Basin 06.09.2017
Field trip to the Russian-German Research Station Samoylov Island, 3 - 25 September 2017 Samoylov Island in the Lena River Delta 03.09.2017
Short course on RGeostats, during the IAMG annual conference 2 - 9 September 2017 Perth 02.09.2017
Mooring deployment north of Svalbard in September 2017 North of Svalbard 01.09.2017
Lecture by Finn Danielsen University of Copenhagen 11.08.2017
NABOS cruise in the Eurasian sector of Arctic: 10 Aug - 03 Oct 2017 (cancelled) Eurasian sector of Arctic 10.08.2017
Svalbard student trip 07-10 August 2017 Longyearbyen 07.08.2017
Course at UNIS: Shipping in the Arctic from 31 July - 11 August 2017 Longyearbyen, Svalbard 31.07.2017
Interdisciplinary summer school on the Arctic Ocean and the Marginal Ice Zone Longyearbyen, Svalbard 31.07.2017