The partners have prepared a set of 1-page summary sheets presenting the results of their work in INTAROS. The sheets are organised in the following sections:
1) iAOS, data catalogue, survey ( 5 sheets, page 2 - 6)
2) Land-based observations (12 sheets, page 8 - 19)
3) Ocean-based observations (21 sheets, page 21 - 41)
4) Satellite observations (6 sheets, page 43 - 48)
5) Community-based monitoring (5 sheets, page 50-54)
6) Modelling and use of observations (5 sheets, page 56-60)
Total: 54 sheets with results and 6 sheets with introductory text.
The sheets are presented as pdf documents below. The partners can download and review the documents. If corrections need to be included, send an updated version by e-mail to Stein Sandven. If you need to replace any figure, please send new figures as separate files in high resolution.
All sheets will be complied in a booklet to be published in the autumn of 2021.