Results obtained in INTAROS. Observing systems implemented by INTAROS in the Fram Strait (including Svalbard fjords) encompass a passive acoustic system to monitor the activity of benthic species but also human activities (noise produced by fishing vessels tourists ships), an autonomous system to conduct real-time measurements of pCO2 and pH measurements (supplemented by weekly discrete measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity), and a moveable deep-water experimental system, the autonomous arcFOCE (arctic Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment) system, to study impacts of ocean acidification on benthic organisms and communities

Legend: Hydrophones (top left) and pH sensors (bottom left) in the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard), pCO2 measurements in fjord waters in a flow-through system near Ny Ă…lesund, and the arcFOCE experimental set-up (right) after recovery from test trials in the deep Fram Strait. Copyright: CNRS and AWI.