Project management [Months: 1-60]
Management of the project: The Project Management Team (PM-team) at NERSC will be in charge of managing the project using established procedures and qualified personnel at NERSC (see partner description is Section 4). For more information on the composition of the PM-team, see Section 3.2.2. Project management includes: (1) the setting up the consortium agreement prior to the signature of the grant agreement. The consortium agreement will regulate the consortium, rules for participation, and ownership and access to key knowledge (IPR, foreground, etc.), (2) the provision of administrative, financial, and legal support to all partners involved during the implementation of the project, (3) the preparation of Project Periodic Reports, annual financial report, the Final Report and the Final Report on the EU Financial Contribution Distribution (including updated plan for dissemination and exploitation of results. Establishment of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel and the Stakeholder and Innovation Advisory Panel as well as their Terms of References will be done in the first three months of the project.
Communication with EC: the PM-team will be responsible for the communication of project results to the EC. This will include reporting according to the Grant Agreement (scientific, reporting of science results and finances, communication, and management).. If there are any major problems within the project that cannot be solved through the appropriate management structure, the PM-team will liaise with the EC in order to seek a solution.
Communication activities to promote the project and its findings: The PM-team will engage with public and the media through the press contact at NERSC. The promotion of the project will be done in coordination with WP7.
Coordination of internal communication within the project: The PM-team will ensure optimal internal communication through a dedicated internal website, virtual meetings (e.g. Skype/Webex) and physical meetings. The internal website will be set up for exchange of information and documents among the partners.
Technical support to the steering committee (SC) and advisory panels: The PM-team will also provide administrative support to the SC and the advisory panels (see Section 3.2). This will include organization of the GA, SC and panel meetings
A Gender and Diversity Action Plan will be prepared by month 3 with focus on how to improve gender balance and diversity in the project, and in the science and technology related to the project. Monitoring the Gender and Diversity Actions will be done by the PM-team and reported to the SC annually.