Dr. Stein Sandven
Dr. Hanne Sagen
Dr. Torill Hamre
Lisbeth Iversen
Dr. Kjetil Lygre
Dr. Espen Storheim
Dr. Francois Counillon
Dr. Florian Geyer

The Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center was established in 1986 as a non-profit research foundation. According to its bylaws “The Foundation’s goal is to perform interdisciplinary research and development with focus on remote sensing and modelling with respect to scientific problems within the natural sciences.” The Center is a national environmental research institute with basic funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. The Nansen Center generate interdisciplinary scientific expertise in Earth system environmental and climate research, satellite remote sensing, modelling and data assimilation. Its research foci are in Earth sciences, particularly covering topics such as physical and biology oceanography, meteorology, sea ice/cryosphere studies, hydrology and climate studies, including remote sensing in all these themes. The Center has been leading, both at national and international level, in the early developments of satellite oceanography for marine and polar research. Research staffs are members of several scientific advisory groups and committees of the major space agencies and national and international committies. The Nansen Center is one of four partners in the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) that was awarded the status as a Norwegian centre of excellence (SFF) between 2002 to 2012 coordinated by the University of Bergen also in coorperation with Institute of Marine Research and Uni Research. The Nansen Center is also a founding partner of the national Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD) and the Hjort Centre for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, both located in Bergen.

Role in the project

NERSC will:

  1. Coordinate the INTAROS project using its long experience in coordination of EU projects (Prof. Stein Sandven – coordinator, and Dr. Hanne Sagen – deputy coordinator).
  2. Lead WP1 on stakeholder engagement and roadmap (S. Sandven),
  3. Co-lead WP4 and contribute with research on local communities and climate impact (Lisbeth Iversen)
  4. Co-lead WP 5 and contribute with expertise in databases and integration of multi-modal data (Torill Hamre),
  5. WP3 with collection of passive acoustic data,
  6. WP6 data analysis and preparation of integrated data for climate model projections,
  7. WP7 dissemination of project results.

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Thormøhlens gate 47
N-5006, Bergen