Processing services for iAOS v1

The overall objective of INTAROS is to build an efficient integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. WP5 (Data integration and management) is tasked with designing and implementing evolutions of the cloud platform and tools for the iAOS.

To demonstrate use of the iAOS cloud platform, NERSC has developed two services for extracting sea ice and acoustic parameters from satellite products and in situ observations, respectively.
The source code for both services, along with instructions for installation and use, is made publicly available at:

The services can be used as-is, or extended by other scientists and service developers in the Arctic community. Both services will be used in WP6 in the analysis of sea ice and ocean parameters derived from in situ observations and remote sensing data.

The first service integrates time series of sea ice classification (SIC) products generated from remote sensing data (Sentinel-1) to provide sea ice statistics for selected regions. The service is implemented in Jupyter Notebook, extracting a series of CMEMS sea ice concentration products for a given area and time period. Based on the extracted SIC products the sea ice statistics service estimates the mean sea ice concentration for the selected area and period. The resulting statistics product is stored in NetCDF format, which can be readily published using an open source data server such as the THREDDS Data Server (TDS). This enables integration of these products in other services running in the iAOS cloud platform as well as in applications under development in WP6.

The second service processes and characterizes passive acoustic data (from WP2 (Exploitation of existing observing systems) and WP3 (Enhancement of multidisciplinary in situ systems)). This service produces spectrograms and noise statistics plots that can be used for analysis in combination with time series of satellite remote sensing derived parameters (e.g. ice concentration, ice thickness) covering the regions of interest. The plots are provided in a standard format (PNG) that can be opened by a wide range of tools across all major operating systems. The passive acoustics service supports several formats for input data (e.g. WAV, NetCDF) and has been tested on datasets from several sources (NERSC TDS, CNRS, PANGAEA).

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