INTAROS Final Synthesis report meeting

Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 10:00 to 17:00

1000-1010: Welcome and introduction (S. Sandven)

The WP-leaders will present a synthesis from each WP addressing the following points:
1. Objective and Tasks (according to the updated work plan,).
2. Main Achievements: Use bullet points addressing each of the achievements
3. Expected Impact - for the WP as a whole
4. Challenges
5. Recommendations

1010-1040: WP1: Requirements and strategy for Pan-Arctic Observing Systems
E. Buch: Requirements and collaboration – focus on European collaboration (10 min)
S. Sandven: Collaboration with North America, Russia and Asia (10 min)
Comments and discussion (10 min)

1040-1120: WP2: Exploitation of existing observing systems
R. Pirazzini: Synthesis of WP2 (20 min)
Comments and discussion (20 min)

1120-1200: WP3: Enhancement of multidisciplinary in situ observing systems
A. Beszczynska-Möller: Synthesis of WP3 (20 min)
Comments and discussion (20 min)

1200-1230: Lunch break

1230-1310: WP4: Community-based observing programmes
F. Danielsen: Synthesis of work in Greenland, Russia and North America (20 min)
L. Iversen: Synthesis of work in Svalbard (10 min)
Comments and discussion (10 min)

1310-1350: WP5: Data integration and management
H. Caumont: Synthesis of work by Terradue, ARMINES, etc. (15 min)
T. Hamre: Synthesis of work on data catalogue and iAOS portal (15 min)
Comments and discussion (20 min)

1350-1400: Break

1400-1530: WP6: Applications towards stakeholders
G. Ottersen and M. Sejr: Synthesis of results from all the contributors to WP6
We allocate 1. 5 hours for presentations and discussion.

1530-1540: Break

1540-1610: WP7: Dissemination and outreach
R. Higgins and D. Zona: Synthesis from WP7 (20 min)
Comments and discussion (10 min)

1610-1700: Wrap-up and structure of the Final Synthesis report (deliverable D1.11).
