Cruise expedition monitoring workshop
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The objectives of the workshop is to jointly develop a cruise expeditions’ Arctic environmental monitoring program comprising dedicated citizen science programs. The workshop is part of the INTAROS WP4 on Community-based monitoring.
Cruise expeditions have the potential to support environmental protection efforts by obtaining information that can help scientists conduct conservation research and provide a better basis for management decisions. Representatives from cruise operators, citizen science programs, local government, local scientists and INTAROS will meet to discuss and develop a Cruise Expeditions Monitoring Program to be tested around Svalbard and in other areas of the Arctic. The focus will be on working towards agreeing on simple methods that can be used alongside the normal cruise activities at sea and on land, and which can be reported on, as far as possible, by using the same format. We will look for monitoring that is meaningful to all involved and which will make the cruises an even richer experience for both guides and guests.
A dialogue meeting with local actors in Longyearbyen was organised on the second day
The workshop is organised by Finn Danielsen (NORDECO), Lisbeth Iversen (NERSC) and MIchael Køie Poulsen (NORDECO)
The presentations at the workshop and the final report are attached below