The Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) combines unique high performance computing facilities and in-house research departments on computer, life, and Earth sciences, and computational applications, counting more than 350 researchers and students. The Earth Sciences Department (ESD) focuses on atmospheric emissions, air quality, mineral dust transport, and global and regional climate modelling and prediction. It is structured around four groups with more than 50 employees, including technical and support staff. It is a highly productive scientific entity that has published more than 300 research articles in peer-reviewed journals over the last 5 years, many in prestigious highimpact journals. The climate prediction group aims at developing a climate forecast system based on the ECEarth model and performs regular assessments of the characteristics of this forecast system compared to all other operational and quasi-operational systems available in the world. It participates in six European projects and two national projects.
Role in the project
The climate prediction group from BSC will be involved in WP6.1 where its expertise in generating, calibrating and verifying climate predictions will be exploited to assess the benefits from the INTAROS observations to initialize seasonal to decadal climate predictions. BSC will ensure liaison with the APPLICATE project if funded under the H2020- BG-10-2016 call.
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Centro Nacional de Supercomputación
Barcelona Nexus II Building c/Jordi Girona, 29
08034 Barcelona