Dr. Ralf Döscher
Dr. David Gustafsson
Dr. Abhay Devasthale
Dr. Mihaela Caian

SMHI is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Environment offering products to support decision-making in the environmental sector. SMHI is responsible for national meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic monitoring, forecasting and production of climate change projections, and operates the dissemination of flood alerts to other EU member states in the EFAS system for EU Copernicus. The main fields of research include weather and climate modelling, data assimilation, hydrology, oceanography and air quality. Climate research is a cross departmental activity, with all six research sections contributing to the development of climate projections, impact assessments and communication with stakeholders, regional authorities and major utilities. Overall, SMHI has a strong R&D focus with 110 full time scientists and just as many in IT. Currently, it is adapting according to EU open data strategy and the INSPIRE directive with open archives in standard formats, metadata catalogues, download facilities and APIs. SMHI is active in many EU (FP7 and Horizon2020), Copernicus and ESA projects, and is representing Sweden in relevant international organisations, e.g. ECMWF, WMO, EUMETSAT and IPCC. 

Role in the project

SMHI will be involved in WP2 and WP6 of INTAROS, contributing with observation system analysis, improved exploitation of in-situ and remote sensing data, as well as demonstration of the impact of an integrated Arctic Observation System within the fields of atmospheric remote sensing, hydrological monitoring and modelling, and climate modelling. SMHI contribution is based on strong involvement in Arctic climate, meteorology and hydrological and research through previous and ongoing projects, for instance WMO Arctic HYCOS.

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Anton Tamms väg 1, 4 tr 194