WP-Structure: INTAROS is organized in seven work packages (WP1-WP7) as shown below, plus management (WP8)
WP1 includes coordination, mobilization, engagement and cooperation between the existing European and international organizations for in situ and remote sensing and the modelling communities. WP1 involves active participation from relevant stakeholder groups. WP2 will assess existing observing system components and identify gaps as well as prepare for existing repositories for integration into the iAOS platform in WP5. WP3 will increase the temporal and geographic coverage of in situ observation data in selected regions of the Arctic in order to fill selected gaps in the multidisciplinary observing system. The approach in WP3 is to use innovative combination of mature and new instruments and sensors in integration with existing observatories. WP4 will address inclusion of community based observing programs into iAOS. A particular focus is on engagement of the local communities to participate in the development of iAOS so that they can take full benefit of such a system. Under WP5 the new data generated in INTAROS will be ingested into existing data repositories to be accessible from the iAOS platform. The platform will facilitate seamless access to multidisciplinary data, scalable allocation of data storage and computer power for integrative data processing and analysis. WP6 will demonstrate applications of iAOS to selected stakeholders from governmental institutions, international agencies, industry, local and research communities. Outreach and dissemination will be carried out in WP7 (in coordination with project management in WP8) through meetings, workshops, conferences and summer schools. Finally WP2-6 will give feedback to WP1 where the project results will be synthesized and a roadmap for further development of a sustainable integrated Arctic Observing System will be prepared.
A leader and a co-leader coordinate the work packages, which are divided into tasks. Each task has a task leader.
WP number |
WP description |
Lead, institution |
Co-lead, institution |
WP1 |
Requirements and strategy for a Pan-Arctic system | Stein Sandven, NERSC | Erik Buch, EuroGOOS |
WP2 |
Exploitation of existing observing systems | Roberta Pirazzini, FMI | David Gustafsson, SMHI |
WP3 |
Enhancement of multi-disciplinary in situ systems | Agnieszka B. Möller, IOPAN | Peter Voss, GEUS |
WP4 |
Community-based observing programs | Finn Danielsen, NORDECO | Lisbeth Iversen, NERSC |
WP5 |
Data integration and management | Pedro Goncalves, TERRADUE | Torill Hamre, NERSC |
WP6 |
Application of iAOS towards stakeholders | Geir Ottersen, IMR | Mikael Sejr, AU |
WP7 |
Dissemination and outreach | Donatella Zona, USFD | Ned Dwyer, EurOcean |
WP8 |
Project management | Stein Sandven, NERSC | Hanne Sagen, NERSC |