Prof. Walter Munk turns 100 this year, and Scripps is celebrating with a series of Symposia. Munk has worked within oceanography during the last 78 years, and is by far the most distinguished oceanographer in our present time. His prime interest has been on physical oceanography involving wave predictions ocean circulation, tides and internal waves, and development of acoustic oceanography. Currently, Walter Munk is strongly interested in climate and in particular how to get reliable and sustainable ocean observations in the Arctic regions.
The symposium “Ocean Acoustics, National Security, and Walter Munk,” is scheduled for 29–30 August 2017. Walter wishes the Symposium to foster real scientific discussion, with a focus on “the next 100 years.” Hanne Sagen from NERSC and INTAROS, will contribute to the symposium session on Arctic Acoustics together with Peter Wadhams, University of Cambridge, Peter Mikhalevsky from LEIDOS, and John Orcutt, from SIO - University of California.
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