The research school in 2020 was organised from 21-29 June onboard KV Svalbard during a cruise to Storfjorden in the northern Barents Sea. The cruise gave the students a unique opportunity to learn about instrumentation, practical field experiments with data collection and data analysis and data management. The students were on Master and Phd level and had relevant background in oceanography, ocean acoustics, ocean optics, seismology, other geosciences including instrumentation and data. Due to the corona situation with travel restrictions and quarantine rules, the research school could only include participants from Norway. The cruise started and ended in Tromsø. The report from the cruise is available (see below). A summary of the cruise is also presented at…
Hanne Sagen, NERSC,
Espen Storheim, NERSC,
Kjell Eivind Frøysa, HVL,
Håkon Sandven, UIB – IFT
Tristan Petit, UIB – IFT
Zeinab Jeddi, UiB – GEO
Felix Halpaap, UiB – GEO
Kristoffer Tesdal Galtung, UiB GEO
Julie Knutsen, UiB GEO
Malin Lunde, UiB GEO
Nil Eryilmaz, UiB GEO
Håvard Råheim Økland, UiB IFT
Matias Helleve, UiB IFT
Astrid Stallemo, UiB GFI
Torunn Sagen, UiB GFI
Emilia Botnen Van den Bergh, HVL
Frida Klockmann, HVL
In addition the following scientists gave lectures online before the cruise started:
Peter Pulsifer, Carlton University
Torill Hamre, NERSC,
Frode Monsen, NERSC
Eva Falck, UNIS