
GCOS Upper-Air Network (GUAN) inside the AMAP geographical boundaries. Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) GCOS Upper-Air Network (GUAN) is part of GCOS program which was established 1992
Date start: 
Geographic position: 
POLYGON ((-15 60, -15 89.99, -10 89.99, 0 89.99, 10 89.99, 20 89.99, 30 89.99, 40 89.99, 50 89.99, 60 89.99, 70 89.99, 80 89.99, 90 89.99, 100 89.99, 110 89.99, 120 89.99, 130 89.99, 140 89.99, 150 89.99, 160 89.99, 160 60, 150 60, 140 60, 130 60, 120 60, 110 60, 100 60, 90 60, 80 60, 70 60, 60 60, 50 60, 40 60, 30 60, 20 60, 10 60, 0 60, -10 60, -15 60))