Beaufort Sea

NERSC researchers Hanne Sagen and Espen Storheim in collaboration with scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN) and Norwegian Meteorological Institute (METNO) have completed a 6-week long expedition with the coast guard ship KV Svalbard to the Beaufort Sea. The main mission is to recover three moorings in the Beaufort Sea North of Alaska which carry acoustic and oceanographic instruments as part of the CAATEX project. The instruments in the moorings bring important measurements to observe the ocean climate change. The moorings are part of a trans Arctic observing system measuring the mean ocean temperature across the whole Arctic Basin using acoustic thermometry. The new observations will be compared to similar measurements made in the 1990s. This is a unique opportunity to quantify how much the ocean under the ice has warmed during the last 20 years. During the expedition also an INTAROS mooring north of Svalbard was recovered and a number of drifting ice buoys were deployed in different parts of the Arctic as part of the International Arctic Buoys programme

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