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INTAROS was involved in organising two sessions:
(1) GI4.5: "Arctic observations: data collection, management and user engagement". 07 May 1400-1545. Presentations and abstracts are available at The session was convened by S. Sandven, R. Pirazzini, T. Hamre, Ø. Godøy, and B. Manley. Many of the presentations were directly related to INTAROS work (attached below)
(2) ITS5.9/EOS4.14/CL4.36/CR4.6/GM7.11/HS12.22/NH9.30: "Trans-disciplinary aspects of researching Arctic change: science communication, outreach and education, integration, monitoring, modelling and risk perception". 08 May 0830-1015. Presentations and abstracts are available at The session was co-convened by INTAROS representatives D. Zona, T. Zenone and S. Sandven. INTAROS-related presentations were give by H. Eicken et al and R. Higgins et., (attached below)