The report derives from INTAROS Task 7.5, which is dedicated to building capacity among early-career researchers, building on D7.11, which described the training that was provided to higher level and post-graduate students during the project. D7.12 makes available independent learning resources, online, for those who could not participate in the training activities, but also to provide a legacy for the scientific expertise contributing to and emerging from INTAROS.

INTAROS Educational Packages for Scientists comprise four themed packages, designed for postgraduate level students and scientists. These packages cover the themes: terrestrial chemistry, seismology, ocean observation, and snow.
Each educational package includes one or more lectures on a specific topic, provided by an INTAROS expert in that area, a list of supporting reading materials, links to additional online resources, and an online self-evaluation module.

The formal educational packages are supported by other online learning materials including lectures and short movies on a broad range of topics within the scope of INTAROS.
INTAROS will continue to support early career researchers throughout the remainder of the project by featuring their research in an online poster gallery, in a series of inspirational films about their work, and by encouraging their contribution to online learning materials for their peers.

Type of deliverable
Lead beneficiary
Dissemination level
Due (in months)
Open deliverable
Submitted by KjetilLygre on