Dr Alexander Sterin
Nikolay Mikhailov
Dr. Evgeny Vjazilov
Dr Olga Bulygina

All Russian Research Institute for Hydro-meteorological Information
6 Korolyov St. Obninsk Kaluga Region 249035
Russian Federation



RIHMI is a Federal State Budget Institution operating under operating under Federal Service on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russian Federation (ROSHYDROMET). RIHMI is located in Obninsk, 100 km from Moscow. The staff is about 260 persons. RIHMI is hosting World Data Centers in Meteorology and in Oceanography (operating in World Data System under ICSU). The main fields of activity of RIHMI as a whole are: environmental data collection from different sources (computer media, telecommunication, hardcopy media), data preservation and data archiving, climate data preparation and management, climate analysis and climate services to customers, integration of data and information from distributed and non-homogenies’ sources.

RIHMI has extensive expertise and experience in hydrometeorological and ocean data collection, processing, archiving, rescue, analysis. Furthermore, RIHMI conducts climate data preparation, data processing, climate analysis and climate statistics based on observational data, with main attention to surface climate, snow and liquid precipitation climatology, upper-air climate. For a long time RIHMI-WDC has been responsible for acquisition and archiving of data received by marine agencies of the former USSR (now for Russian Federation) for the global ocean including the Black, Baltic, Barents and other Seas. RIHMI-WDC also creates national oceanographic data sets, develops computerised technologies of data management, processing and dissemination, and conducts studies of marine climate variability.

RIHMI-WDC develops integrated information technology for the acquisition, accumulation, processing and dissemination of marine data on basis service-oriented architecture, web-services, interoperability tools (ISO/OGC standards). RIHMI-WDC was the co-ordinating body for the subprogram 10 (1999-2013) for creation of unified distributed system of the information about World Ocean (Federal Scientific-research Programme «The World Ocean»). Furthermore, RIHMI-WDC has developed ESIMO (http://esimo.ru) which is a system for integrating data/services of the 12 marine ministries/agencies of Russian Federation.

RIHMI-WDC participated in projects of the International Oceanographic Commission/IOC (GODAR, GOOS), World Meteorological Organization (WMO Information system), and in many European projects (MEDAR/MEDATLAS, Sea Search, Black Sea Scene, Sea Data Net, EMODNet, ODIP and others). RIHMIWDC develops software for WMO Global Information System Center (GISC-Moscow) and operates as an IOC partner-center for IODE Ocean data portal for supporting the system of distributed and nonhomogeneous data sources.  

Role in the project

RIHMI-WDC will contribute to the stakeholder interaction and preparation of the Roadmap for Sustainable Arctic Observing System (WP1), gap analysis and  exploitation of existing data with focus on data from Russian institutions (WP2), implementation of new in situ sensors and platforms (WP3), building systems for data management and integration as a contribution to the integrated Arctic Observing System (iAOS) (WP5), and finally to demonstrate the iAOS through several application studies (WP6).