MINES ParisTech with 2,000 students and 400 PhD students is part of the Paris Sciences Lettres (PSL) research university. MINES ParisTech has 14 research centers which operate in close cooperation with the industry and administration. The Centre de Géosciences, located in Fontainebleau, has a personnel of 160 people, while the geostatistics group has presently 13 permanent scientists.
ARMINES was founded in 1967 by MINES ParisTech for the purpose of promoting industry-oriented research. ARMINES acts as an effective go-between linking research bodies and the world of industry. With an annual contract volume of 40 million Euro (2014) it is in the top rank of contract research organisations affiliated with academic institutions and together with MINES ParisTech it was awarded the Carnot Institute label of the French national research agency ANR. Setup in 1968 by Georges Matheron, the Geostatistics group of the Centre de Géosciences is a center-of-excellence in developping probabilistic and statistical methods for industrial applications in the environmental and earth sciences.
Role in the project
The Geostatistics group will be involved in WP5 to contribute with geostatistical methods to fill gaps and enhance the value of scattered and inhomogeneous data collected from various observing systems. We will also participate in WP6 with case studies in particular for the use of acoustic data in constraining ocean models, performing model validation and offline state estimation.
Association pour la Recherche et le Développement des Méthodes et Processus industriels
Sophia-Antipolis, 6904