Dr. Andrew King
Kai Sørensen
Dr. Richard Bellerby
Dr. Luca Nizzetto
Dr. Wenche Eikrem
Dr. Bert van Bavel

The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) is Norway’s leading center of expertise in water related issues. NIVA's competence spans a wide range of environmental issues including marine biology and ecology, chemistry, pollution, sediments, and physical processes. NIVA is organized in two research centers: Center for Freshwater Research and Center for Coastal and Marine Research. The latter Centre undertakes among many disciplines including sensor development, research on use of remote sensing data, in situ measurements for marine ecosystem research and policy advice, and Arctic Ocean research. NIVA has a large pool of instruments for measurements of ecological and oceanographic processes both for moored and ship-borne configurations (e.g. FerryBox).

Role in the Project

WP1: Task 1.3 Engagement strategy and pan-Arctic Observing Forum
WP2: Tasks 2.1 and 2.2; Evaluation of existing systems and exploitation of existing and new ocean data
WP3: Tasks 3.2 and 3.4; Autonomous platforms and marine sensors on FerryBox and Svalbard moored buoy array (carbonate chemistry, microplastics, contaminants)
WP6: Task 6.5: Ocean acidification and inorganic C cycling. Location: Barents Sea, Svalbard, Lofoten Islands-Tromso-Kirknes; Stakeholder data uses from maritime and aquaculture industries; Links to WP1, 2, 3, and 4

Norsk institutt for vannforskning
Gaustadalléen 21
0349 Oslo