The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS, is a research and advisory institute in the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy also operating in the private sector, with a staff of 350 where approx. 200 hold PhD or MSc degrees. GEUS' overall mission is to provide, use, and disseminate knowledge of geological materials, processes and relations that is important for the use and protection of geological resources in Denmark and Greenland, supporting administrative and legislative work in Danish Ministries and the Greenland Home Rule Authority. GEUS' main tasks are geological mapping, data collection and storage, to carry out research projects, to give advice, and to disseminate geoscientific knowledge. The survey's annual turnover is approx. 30 mill. Euro. Governmental appropriations comprise ca. 60-65 % while other public funding, mainly from research programmes and commercial consulting work, account for ca. 35-40 %. GEUS has carried out extensive field programmes in Greenland for >60 years and heads the National Monitoring Programme for the Greenland Ice Sheet. As a government funded research institute, GEUS has accounting procedures that meet EU requirements and has EU-specialized accountants to help with financial management of EU projects.
Role in the project
GEUS leads WP3 & the Glaciology Theme in INTAROS. Planned integration efforts in INTAROS revolves around connecting the Danish governmental Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) with other Arctic observation networks (WP2, WP3), in order to produce improved climate services for society and establish a sustained monitoring of the connection between the Greenland Ice Sheet with the surrounding ocean and atmosphere (WP6). Additionally, GEUS will provide fundamental knowledge on how to successfully monitor seismicity and collect the data needed for geohazard monitoring in the Arctic (WP2, WP7). Based on GEUS’ permanent earthquake monitoring in Greenland, GEUS will provide the tools and the experience to extend earthquake monitoring and geohazard evaluation into the Arctic (WP2, WP3). Furthermore, GEUS will use its experience from community-based surveys in Greenland following major earthquakes to enhance community-based observation programs (WP4).
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland