Dr. Mathilde B. Sørensen (UIB-GEO)
Prof. Truls Johannessen (UIB-GFI)
Dr. Tore Furevik (UIB-GFI)
Dr. Lars H. Smedsrud (UIB-GFI)
Dr. Harald Sodemann (UIB-GFI)
Dr. Are Olsen (UIB-GFI)
Dr. Kuvvet Atakan (UIB-GEO)
Dr. Rolf B. Pedersen (UIB-GEO)

The University of Bergen (UiB) is a young and modern university ( The UiB has high level of research and education in all of its six faculties, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Medicine and Dentistry, Social Sciences, Humanities, Psychology and Law. In total, the UiB has 14,450 students and 3,460 faculty and staff. Yearly around 250 candidates are awarded with a PhD degree. UiB is currently involved in 28 H2020 collaborative research projects, 7 of which it coordinates. UiB currently hosts 5 Marie Curie projects. In addition, UiB hosts 7 ERC Advanced Grants, 2 ERC Starting Grants, 2 ERC Consolidator Grants and 1 ERC Synergy Grant. UiB holds a significant research profile in marine and climate sciences. 

Institute for Geosciences (UIB-GEO): Role in the project

UiB-GEO will be responsible for seismological data processing under WP2, combining historical data with OBS data. UiB-GEO will develop and implement new technology for OBS deployment and contribute to QC of OBS data under WP3. It will contribute macroseismic intensity data to WP4 in addition to representing macroseismic data collection as a methodology. UiB-GEO will assure seamless integration of INTAROS data with the EPOS platform under WP5.

Geophysical institute (UIB-GFI): Role in the project

UiB-GFI will be the theme leader of theme biogeochemistry. UiB-GFI will be responsible for management of biogeochemical data (WP 5) and for sea ice observations and interpretation of changes in Arctic sea ice volume (WP 3). It will also contribute to WP1 (stakeholder needs), WP2 (gap analysis), WP6 (demonstration projects) and WP7 (outreach).

University of Bergen
Museplassen 1,