Stakeholder seminar - marine resources and fisheries management

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 - 12:30 to 16:00


12:30 Welcome Gro I. van der Meeren, IMR, Appendix 2
12:35 Introduction to INTAROS, purpose and aims Geir Ottersen, IMR
12:40 Introduction to Tasks 6.2 and 6.8 (D 6.3, delivered May 2020), purpose and aims 6.2 og 6.8 by IMR Gro I. van der Meeren, IMR
12:50: Presentation of Tasks 6.2 and 6.8 by Danish partners Marie Maar, AU, Appendix 3
13:10: Presentations of Norwegian use of methods, results and conclusions from analysing selected management indicators established or suggested to be established for the Barents Sea (Data available at NMDC, WP5):
13:10: NORWECOM: Analysing environmental, primary production and fisheries stock data. Morten Skogen, IMR, Appendix 4
13:20: NoBa ATLANTIS: Analysing complex indicators for the ecosystem, using historic and modeled scenarios from 1990 to 2060. Cecilie Hansen, IMR, Appendix 5
13:40-14:15: Inputs from the management bodies, what are their main duties and how relevant do they find the INTARIÒS analyses and conclusions.
13:40: Norwegian Environment Agency
13:50: Directory of Fisheries
13:55: Norwegian Mapping Authority (by correspondence)
14:00: Norwegian Coastal Administration/Norwegian Maritime Authority
14:10: Directorate of Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
14:25-15:14: Plenary discussion, Q&A15:30-15:45: Summary
