All open publications

Publication Title Date Publishedsort descending Authors Type of Publication
Sea Level Change in the Arctic Ocean (PhD Thesis) 2020-09-15 C. Ludwigsen Miscellaneous
Social Sciences and Beyond in the Arctic 2020-09-15 S. Saville; D. Brode-Roger; M. Albert; M. Ferguson; C. Ødegaard; Z. Sokolicková; L. Iversen; E. Le Cour; A. Meyer; P. Duda Journal Article
Arctic mid-winter phytoplankton growth revealed by autonomous profilers. 2020-09-25 A. RANDELHOFF; L. LACOUR; C. Marec; E. Leymarie; J. LAGUNAS; X. Xing; G. DARNIS; C. PENKERC’H; M. SAMPEI; L. FORTIER; F. D’ORTENZIO; H. CLAUSTRE; M. Babin Journal Article
Norwegian Coast Guard sails high-latitude Arctic voyage to Beaufort Sea (H. Sagen interviewed) 2020-10-27 T. Nilsen Miscellaneous
Modeled Microbial Dynamics Explain the Apparent Temperature Sensitivity of Wetland Methane Emissions 2020-10-31 S.E. Chadburn; ; T. Aurela; M. Baldocchi; D. Biasi; C. Boike; J. Burke; E.J. Comyn-Platt; E. Dolman; J. Duran-Rojas; C. Fan; Yuanchao; T. Friborg; Y. Gao; N. Gedney; M. Göckede; H.Gary D.; D. Holl; G. Hugelius; L. Kutzbach; H. Lee; A. Lohila; F.J. Parmentier; T. Sachs; N.J. Shurpali; S. Westermann Journal Article
Preparing the New Phase of Argo: Scientific Achievements of the NAOS Project. 2020-11-05 P.Y. Le Traon; F. D’Ortenzio; M. Babin; E. Leymarie; C. Marec; S. Pouliquen; et al Journal Article
Preparing the New Phase of Argo: Technological Developments on Profiling Floats in the NAOS Project 2020-11-05 X. André; P.Y. Le Traon; S. Le Reste; V. Dutreuil; E. Leymarie; D. Malardé; et al. Journal Article
IQOE Virtual Conference on Acoustics in the Arctic Ocean, 11-12 Nov 2020 2020-11-11 NERSC Miscellaneous
Greenland liquid water discharge from 1958 through 2019. 2020-11-14 K.D. Mankoff; B. Noël; X. Fettweis; A.P. Ahlstrøm; W. Colgan; K. Kondo; K. Langley; S. Sugiyama; D. van As; R.S. Fausto Journal Article
Workshop with Barents Sea stakeholders (management and industry) 2020-11-17 IMR Miscellaneous
NORDREGIO Forum. Panel on Asset Based Community Development and Co-Creation approaches 2020-11-18 L. Iversen Presentation
SIOS Marine Infrastructure Workshop 2020-11-19 IOPAN; CNRS Miscellaneous
Contribution of shipping noise in an Arctic underwater soundscape (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Oral presentation at IQOE Virtual Conference on Arctic Ocean Acoustics 2020-11-23 G. Richard; D. Mathias; J. Bonnel; E. Amice; L. Chauvaud. Presentation
Interview on RTE (Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster - Let's Dive In podcast) 2020-11-24 UiB Presentation
Worldwide version-controlled database of glacier thickness observations. 2020-11-24 E. Welty; M. Zemp; F.J. Navarro; M. Huss; J.J. Fürst; I. Gärtner-Roer; J. Landmann; H. Machguth; K. Naegeli; L.M. Andreassen; D. Farinotti; H. Li; G.T.D. Contributors Journal Article
