Data Management Plan V1
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This document is the first version of the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the INTAROS project. The DMP describes how new datasets collected or generated by partners in the frame of the project, will be managed according to guidelines for FAIR data management in H2020. INTAROS will collect new observations and generate high-level data products from different
1. Atmosphere
2. Ocean
3. Sea ice
4. Marine ecosystems
5. Terrestrial
6. Glaciology
7. Natural hazards
8. Community-based monitoring
The DMP is a living document; it will be updated regularly during the project and used actively to ensure that INTAROS datasets are made publicly available. The current document, issued 6 months into the project, provides a high level description of the plans for data management as well as of the datasets to be collected or data products to be generated in the project. Later versions of the DMP will provide more details on both the framework for sustainable data management of INTAROS data as well as on the actual datasets and products.