The H2020 programme calls for a Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of Results (PEDR) to be included in each and every project to facility the transfer of knowledge outputs directly to the market. The Dissemination Plan contributes to this strategy by defining projects, messages and target audiences for the project outcomes.
This document describes the events, workshops, working groups and materials that will be developed with key stakeholder groups and other actors and describes how engagement with different groups during the lifetime of the project will take place. A list of events where INTAROS has been presented in 2016/2017, and plans for further participation is presented in Appendix A. This list will be updated and disseminated on the project website during the project.
The PEDR is a mandatory deliverable in all Research and Innovation Actions projects in H2020. In INTAROS the PEDR is divided in two documents. One part is the Dissemination Plan, which will be followed by the Exploitation Plan due in month 12. The Dissemination Plan presents an overview of activities related to dissemination, exploitation and protection of project results.
Data Management is addressed in a separate document (deliverable D1.2, due in month 6).
The PEDR will be updated as part of the periodic reporting, by month 18, 36 and 60

Type of deliverable
Lead beneficiary
Dissemination level
Due (in months)
Deliverable file
Open deliverable
Submitted by HanneSagen on