Title Location Date
Videos and other presentations from INTAROS and CAPARDUS online 15.12.2021
UAK 2021 cruise: Research school in the sea ice onboard KV Svalbard Sea ice area north of Svalbard 05.06.2021
KV Svalbard cruise to Beaufort Sea to recover moorings Beaufort Sea 12.10.2020
CAATEX cruise north of Svalbard North of Svalbard 17.07.2020
Research school onboard KV Svalbard: Ocean observing technology and data management Svalbard - Storfjorden 20.06.2020
Fieldwork on the Greenland Ice Sheet (postponed to August) Southeast Greenland Ice Sheet, near Tasiilaq 22.04.2020
Guest lecture at NERSC by Peter L. Pulsifer Bergen 18.12.2019
Popular science lectures at Svalbard Folkehøgskole Longyearbyen 08.11.2019
MARIS-INTAROS meeting at NERSC Bergen 31.10.2019
Recovery of INTAROS mooring north of Svalbard North of Svalbard 23.09.2019
Research school: Observing and modelling the Arctic Environment St. Petersburg, Russia 08.09.2019
Expedition to Station Nord North on Greenland 24.08.2019
KV Svalbard reached the North Pole during the CAATEX cruise North Pole 21.08.2019
Deployment Cruise - Coordinated Arctic Acoustic Thermometry Experiment (Eurasian Basin) Nansen and Amundsen Basin 14.08.2019
Oceanographic cruise with CCGS Amundsen Baffin Bay 05.07.2019
HiMAC seminar on lake ice and sea ice Beijing 27.06.2019
Collaboration agreement signed with KOPRI Bergen 28.03.2019
Field campaign in Sodankylä Sodankylä , Finnish Lapland 18.03.2019
Field experiment on lake ice in Inner Mongolia, China Wuliangsuhai Lake, Inner Mongolia, China 16.01.2019
Research school on cross-disciplinary science in the Arctic Longyearbyen Svalbard 02.12.2018
Meeting with Ocean Networks Canada Victoria, Canada 06.11.2018
FAMOS School and Workshop 2018 Bergen, Norway 23.10.2018
Intensive course: Analysis of atmosphere-surface interactions and feedbacks Hyytiälä, Finland 08.10.2018
INTAROS review meeting Brussel 21.09.2018
Deployment of arcFOCE at HAUSGARTEN observatory Fram Strait - Hausgarten site 15.09.2018